Here is a big field grown crab apple with a lower hollow trunk. Has potential to be a great tree and has come a long ways in a short period of time.

Linden coming along well.

Fat little field grown trident in the making.

Shohin Japanese Maple. This was dug out of a drainage ditch by a friend and given to me about 7 years ago. It has been forgoten about for a long time.... has some potential. It has sentimental value to me. This is the first season I have given it any attention.

Below is a monster collected Hawthorn out of Idaho where they grow wild. When I got this tree it was a big tree, very tall, multiple trunk lines, and in very heavy native black soil. Last year I made some large cuts and started to put together a plan. Now the plan is coming around and about 2 months ago I wired, thinned and gave it a very rough styling. Next year this tree will change quite a bit again. Right now it looks funny.